
Working At Height Training

The training requirement is for workers on construction projects who use any of the following methods of fall protection: travel restraint systems, fall restricting systems, fall arrest systems, safety nets and work belts or safety belts. As of April 1, 2015, employers must ensure that certain workers complete a working at heights training program that has been approved by the Chief Prevention Officer and delivered by an approved training provider before they can work at heights.

There is a two-year transition period for workers who, prior to April 1, 2015, met the fall protection training requirements set out in subsection 26.2(1) of the Construction Projects Regulation.

Falling from any height can be detrimental to a worker’s health and ability to continue to work. According to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, one in six workplace accidents are caused by falls. They are also the number one cause for fatal accidents in the Ontario construction industry.

Even when no incidents occur at your work site, you can still be severely penalized. A Health and Safety Inspector may shut down the site and allocate a heavy fine if any of the Health and Safety regulations are breached (for example; misuse or lack of proper safety equipment).

A workers’ safety is the number one priority, that is why proper training regarding the use of safety gear and spotting fall hazards are essential aspects of this workshop. The Working at Heights training course, offered by SF Safety Foundation LTD, is competitively priced and led by representatives with years of experience in the construction industry. Our training location is easily accessible, being located in the heart of the GTA. Get your team trained and licensed for Working At Heights. Find out our course schedule by calling us.

Posted in: Courses, News