

Category: Safety Talks

Personal Protective Equipment – Respirators – Types

Respirators—Types Explain dangers Construction can involve airborne hazards—for instance, mist from spray-painting, fumes from welding, vapours from adhesives, and dust from concrete cutting. Airborne hazards can have short-term effects such as sneezing or long-term effects such as lung disease. Identify controls Respirators are the last line of defence against airborne hazards. When we can’t isolate […]

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Personal Protective Equipment – Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection Explain dangers Many workers are overexposed to noise. In time, overexposure can damage your hearing. Hearing loss prevents you from hearing other hazards on the job. It also causes problems in your personal life. • It interferes with how you hear normal speech. • It prevents you from socializing. • It can cause […]

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Personal Protective Equipment – Eye Protection

Eye protection Explain dangers We do so many jobs without protecting our eyes. Just think of the eye hazards in our work: Flying dust and grit UV light from welding arcs Sparks and slag from welding and cutting Abrasives from sandblasting Chemical splash Pipe and wire sticking out of walls Ties and wire hanging from […]

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