
Dump Trucks – Workers in Vicinity

Dump Trucks – Workers in Vicinity

Explain dangers

Dump trucks have tipped over when their boxes were lifted. The result has been death and injury to drivers and nearby workers.
Dump trucks with their boxes raised have come into contact with overhead wires and powerlines, causing electrocutions.
Workers have been struck by dump trucks that were moving around or backing up on a site.
Workers have been crushed beneath the load of dump trucks during dumping.

Identify controls

• Those who work around moving vehicles such as dump trucks must wear high-visibility clothing. Make sure it’s in good condition and
can be seen from all sides.
• When approaching a dump truck, make eye contact with the driver to make them aware of your presence. Wave your hand to get their attention and wait for a wave back to ensure the driver has seen you.
• When a truck is dumping, stay out of the danger area (see image). In this way, you will be safe if the truck tips over. Setting up a barricade can help keep workers out of the anger area during dumping.
• Only the signaller should be at the sides or the rear of the dump truck during operation and dumping. The signaller should be close enough to give adequate directions to the driver, yet far enough away to avoid injury if the truck tips over or the load spills out. The signaller should check with the driver about the hand signals that will be used.
• Watch for overhead wires. Use a signaller to warn drivers if any part of their equipment or load approaches the minimum distances to
powerlines in the regulations (O. Reg. 213/91, s. 188).
In case of accidental contact with a powerline:
• Never touch equipment and the ground at the same time.
• Call the local utility to shut off power.• If possible, break contact by driving the equipment clear of the powerline. Otherwise do not leave the equipment until the utility shuts down the power or unless a fire hazard forces you to jump clear.
• Keep everyone away from any equipment in contact with a powerline.
• Beware of time relays. Even after breakers are tripped by line damage, relays may be triggered to restore power.


Deliver this talk where truck operations are visible at a safe distance. Show your crew where the blind spots are located on a dump truck, which are the black areas in the drawing below. Show them the danger area for dump truck tipovers, which is the grey area in the drawing below.

For more information, visit the IHSA website.

Posted in: Safety Talks