

Violence in the Workplace: Awareness Online Course in Russian

This online course features an improved look and functionality to enrich your learning experience in Russian. Workplace violence is a serious issue that affects all business sectors and occupations and the safety and security of every employee and employer.

Topics include:

  • What is workplace violence?
  • Behaviours associated with workplace violence
  • Sources of violent behaviour in the workplace
  • Workplace violence prevention legislation

Upon completion of this course you will know:

  • Who is affected by workplace violence
  • Workplace violence is an important workplace issue
  • The broad definition of workplace violence with respect to the types of behaviours and the source of the behaviour
  • The legal obligation of employers have to protect employees from workplace violence

Target Audience

  • Committee members, managers, supervisors and workers
  • Facility managers, human resources managers, senior managers and others with health and safety responsibilities
Violence in the Workplace: Awareness Online Course in Russian_thumb
Average time to complete this course is about 15-20 minutes. Certificate of completion



Delivery Method

This course is delivered as an on-line e-learning course. All you need is a computer, access to the Internet - and you are ready to go! This online course is designed to help you learn at your own pace and in your own environment at your own convenience.
Price $20